Reactscape device:space

Project 2.002 Site Systems

The final phase of the semester will be to develop a site proposal for the visitor’s center plaza and the Desoto Park site. You are asked to propose a new landscape intervention based around the assigned conceptual frameworks:

Recreation . Site a recreational stop that is part of a larger urban recreational network

  • Silvia Cox
  • Claudio Golombek
  • Shu Shi
  • Matthew Williams

Program . Trails (bike, walk, jog), Fields (supports 4 simultaneous activities), Fishing, Boat Launch, Recreational Stop (water, shade, restrooms, etc)

Civic . Site a civic structure that ties into program at the visitor’s center and capitol grounds

  • Nick Milan
  • Ian Miller
  • Fan Yang

Program . Exhibition Spaces, Performance (music, theater, film), Cultural Exhibition, Festival Spaces

Productive . Site the necessary infrastructure to maintain and promote the productive landscape

  • Zheng Zhong
  • Keely Rizzato
  • Prentiss Darden
  • Kossen Miller

Program . Operative Infrastructure, Access (service/public), Educational Space, Production Spaces

Ecological Preserve . Site an ecological research station that has both public and private components

  • Erin Dibos
  • Elizabeth Hwangbo
  • Ju Liu
  • Lydia Gykas
  • Matt Rossbach

Program . Designated Research Area (public/private access), Education, Observation, Habitat

The project will begin with a group definition of each of the project types focusing on the necessary infrastructure; structure/program, circulation, and hydrology. You will be redesigning the visitor center plaza with the same program as the previous project with additional program defined by your group topic as necessary.

Observation, Mapping and Analysis

The teams will create an analysis for their site and associated program. This will include the following;

Program Diagrams (scale TBD) . each team will create a program study as it relates to their focus.

Site Analysis Diagrams (scale TBD)The analysis will identify opportunities and constraints with a focus on the site program and considerations.

Site Considerations

Your project should engage the river and the city throughout the year with specific attention paid to river stages, systems, and urban/ecological phenomena.

  1. Pedestrian – The space should provide adequate pedestrian circulation as well as varied spaces for gathering and relaxation.
  2. Vehicular/Parking – The site should accomodate adequate parking and appropriate access.
  3. Connections – How does the site provide connections beyond its edges. What are the physical and perceptual connections to the spaces for both residents, visitors and tourists?
  4. Scale – What is the relationship of the landscape with the surrounding urban fabric?
  5. Planting – Planting should be considered within the space, particularly in relation to habitat, sun/shade, and form making.
  6. Water – What is water doing on the site? How does the water enter and exit the site and how is your proposal dealing with this?
  7. Temporal – Does your proposal function differently in the daytime as opposed to the night. How does it interact with existing or proposed dynamic processes?
  8. Festival Space – The area will be inundated annually with visitors for Mardi Gras, 4th of July and other festivals, consideration should be given as to how the space will function during these times.


The representation for the final phase of this project is open but should precisely represent and explain your design ideas. Each drawing should contribute to the overall concept of the project without replicating similar information, consider how each piece contributes to the exploration and communication of the design ideas. The deliverables should be considered from the beginning of the project and should be developed holistically through desk crits and pin-ups.

Scale, format, and layout will be determined by the student. Creating an adequate and comprehensive representational strategy is an integral part of this project.

Deliverables . Final Review April 25th

  • Context Plan, 1:500 or appropriate scale
  • Site Plan, (illustrative) 1:50 or 1:40, must locate and describe all key elements, vegetation, materials, technologies, and topography (contours and/or spot elevations)
  • Section/Elevations, 1:10 or appropriate
  • Study/Concept Models, scale TBD
  • Site Model, 1:60
  • 3-6 Perspective Renderings of Key Moments
  • Mappings, Site Analysis, and Diagrams as appropriate
  • Site Observations as appropriate

The specified deliverables are a minimum baseline.

Due Tuesday, April 24th, 2012 @ midnight

{you are responsible for all of the content in this project brief, the project will be assessed on its thoroughness, innovation and attention to detail}

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