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Here is a starting list of organizations involved with the Port of Oakland’s history, environmental impact, and current development.

East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)

Waste water treatment facility

California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)

“BCDC is the federally-designated state coastal management agency for the San Francisco Bay segment of the California coastal zone. This designation empowers the Commission to use the authority of the federal Coastal Zone Management Act to ensure that federal projects and activities are consistent with the policies of the Bay Plan and state law.”

Save The Bay

Oakland Global

Port of Oakland Environmental Publications and Documents

Maritime Air Quality Improvement Plan (MAQIP)

The Port of Oakland began work on the MAQIP in 2006 and released the Plan in 2009

Pacific Institute

“Working in close collaboration with the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project and the Ditching Dirty Diesel Collaborative, the Pacific Institute put together a proposal for a community co-chaired task force comprised of a wide range of stakeholders from community, industry, labor, environment, and health backgrounds to help craft the MAQIP. Following the creation of this stakeholder task force, the Pacific Institute helped form detailed recommendations for meeting community health and environmental justice goals for the MAQIP and coordinated the creation of sign-on letters from a broad range of stakeholders.”

People: Swati Prakash . [email protected]

West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project

Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)

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