observe . diagram . sketch . annotate
You have observed and represented the site at DeSoto in many ways; diagrams, models and drawings. For this observation you will begin to record the temporal, micro details of the site. Choose an area within the site where you believe you can take an opportunity to observe the site over the course of several hours.
After finding this area you will choose a point on the site as your vantage point and take a photograph of your chosen perspective. In order to supplement this view take several extra shots to the right and left in order to create a panorama (try to rotate the camera around the lens and keep the camera at the same height without rolling or pitching).
You will observe and then annotate the space in two ways while on the site. First you will document every conceivable detail within the space, nothing is too small. During and after this process you will also sit within the space for 2-3hrs (conceivably at the place you took the photos from) and document everything that changes within the space; cars or people that pass, a piece of trash that moves, lighting conditions, sounds, etc. You should record all of this information through a combination of sketching, notes and photos. Save all of this information as it may be called upon at a later time. With this information you will return to the studio to assemble a perspectival diagram in Adobe Illustrator.
In Illustrator you will create a 24″ x 36″ layout (portrait or landscape is acceptable) and you will place your main photograph at approximately 12″ x 18″ (size can vary but should be close) in the middle of the sheet. You can then add the photos to the sides of this photo in order to create a panorama, expanding the view. The photos you add to the side may be rotated or skewed in order to properly align themselves but the center photo should not be altered.
You will create one layer of annotation that explains all of the conditions as they exist. You should have a minimum of sixty (60) annotations, if necessary add detail to your photos through collage or analog sketches. The annotations can be directly on the sketch, use leader lines, or use any other method that creates a compelling method to add notes. When adding the annotations attempt to classify the details in some way, create groups, hierarchies and sets.
On the same layout you will create a minimum of thirty (30) annotations that document the temporal changes on the site, if necessary add elements to your sketch in a similar manner to the other annotations. The temporal based annotations should be registered in time, how you choose to do this is for you to decide but it is necessary to devise a method to add this information within the static drawing.
You will export your 24″ x 36″ layout from illustrator as a 200 dpi jpeg file for a digital pin-up on Monday, March 19th. You will then print a revised copy for the Project 2.001 review on March 23rd.
On your blog you will create a new post which reflects on your observations in order to answer these questions;
When possible back up your answers with sources and specific conditions on the site or within your research.
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