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LA 3001 . Undergraduate Site Design Studio

Brad Cantrell
[email protected]
office hours: MW 9:30-11:30 or by appt.

Wes Michaels
[email protected]
office hours: by appointment

Class Meeting Time: MWF 1:30-5:30


This course will develop your skills in site design through traditional and non-traditional models. You will be asked to explore landscape design at multiple scales from sketching to full scale mockups.

Learning Objectives

  1. Apply the design process to complex site design projects.
  2. Design at the small/medium scale utilizing two and three dimensional representation techniques.
  3. Continue to develop site analysis techniques and apply them to complex projects focusing on social and natural systems.
  4. Develop and apply professional verbal, visual, written and technological presentation techniques to all projects.
  5. Determine multiple program elements and develop design strategies, understand the effect of a site program on form.

Course Policies

Attendance is mandatory for the scheduled duration of the studio sessions (Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:30-5:30). More than three unexcused absences may constitute grounds for placement on attendance probation (see Attendance Regulations in the LSU General Catalog). Since most class meetings or general discussions will take place at the beginning of the class period it is important that all students should be in the studio promptly at 1:30. Arriving late or leaving early, unless authorized by the instructor, will be considered an unexcused absence.

It is imperative that each student adopt a rigor to their studio approach. Projects will explore pragmatic representation and analysis issues as well as ask students to research information outside of studio. In this undergraduate level studio, projects should capitalize on each student’s background and/or area of interest. The instructor will provide regular reviews and desk critiques. It is the student’s responsibility to develop a strategy to work through each assigned design problem.

University regulations prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the use of any illegal substance in University buildings at any time. Violations are likely to result in serious penalties. Smoking is prohibited in University buildings and within 25 feet of University buildings at any time (this includes the  balconies and porches of the Design Building and the courtyard). Repeated violations of any of these regulations may also result in the Design Building being closed at night and on weekends. For the benefit of all, please be aware of the serious consequences that could result from violations of these regulations.


Analog Modeling, Drafting and Drawing Supplies

Students must have necessary implements to draw, sketch and model using a variety of analog techniques. This will differ for each student and if required for studio projects students will be given sufficient time to acquire supplies.

Computing and Software Requirements

As per school policy each student is required to own and maintain their own computer. Students will be expected to have their computer available at each studio session to participate in desk critiques and presentations. The following software will be required:


Each student’s final grade will be determined by the student’s progress and final product of each project. This includes the quality of interaction, production, craft, content, and presentation of the student’s work. Students must engage in active discussions regarding the progress of their work. Projects will not be accepted that haven’t been reviewed by the instructor. Late and incomplete work will not be accepted unless the student has a valid excused absence. Students will be expected to participate in all class/online discussions, field trips, and reviews. Participation is critical for your progress in studio and is therefore required.
Final course grade will be determined according to the following course work:

Participation, Discussion, and Readings ………………………………………………………   5%
Project 1 – Case Study ………………………………………………………   5%
Project 2 – Design Intervention …………………………………………………….   15%
Project 3 – Program Driven Site Design …………………………………………………….   30%
Project 4 – Comprehensive  Site Design Project …………………………………………………….   40%
Documentation ……………………………………………………….  5%
Cumulative Points for the Course Work ……………………………………………………. 100%

Grades are based on a 100 point scale where;

“A” 90 – 100 : Superior performance demonstrating complete and thorough understanding of the problem and the means for its solution. Solution is presented clearly.

“B” 80 – 89 :  Good performance demonstrating and understanding of the problem and means for its solution — yet lacks the thoroughness and completion of an “A” solution. The approach may be creative, but the solution may not be totally justified; requiring minor changes; solution is presented clearly and logically, yet not totally convincingly.

“C” 70 – 79 : Acceptable performance; lacks total understanding of problem, process, and/or means for its solution. Major changes are required for solution to solve the problem; changes seriously affect overall solution. Ability to communicate solution is weak, incomplete or unclear. Basic skills are not totally understood, although strengths are being developed.

“D” 60 – 69 :  Marginal performance; lacks complete ability to solve the problem, apply the process, or communicate solution. Disregard for alternatives; solution does not resolve problem; major changes are required which radically change overall solution. Ability to communicate solution is poor, incomplete, and illogical in terms of process.

“F” 0 –  59 : Inadequate; makes no attempt to understand or apply process; solution does not work; most phases of work unacceptable; or project not submitted.

Communication Intensive Course

This is a communication intensive course. Therefore; you will be assessed on both your visual and oral communication skills. You will receive studio critiques re garding your visual representation techniques and your project grade will be deter mined on your progression and response to each desk critique. All projects will meet the highest standards for visual and oral presentation.

Professional oral presentations are an important element in your education and are critical in letting others understand your design intent. You will receive con sistent feedback at all interim pin-ups and your mid term and final presentations will contain a presentation component.


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