West Oakland and the Port of Oakland pose a wide range of potentials for the development of responsive ecological infrastructure. Understanding a broad range of macro scale issues will provide the framework for future work within the site. The research will take on two phases before the field trip, the first will be to research and interpret the topic you have been assigned. This work will define the topic, map its extents and major features, and develop a series of inputs and outputs that influence the site. The second phase will then use these inputs and outputs to map a series of new potentials that could be used to develop design proposals.
The site research should provide a strong overview of the topic through photos, diagrams, and mappings that are clearly held together by a narrative. The research should interpret the site as a physical place (mappings, photos, and diagrams) and engage the temporal aspects (sequence and overlay) of the topic such as history and process. The site research should be concise and point to resources when necessary.
The site potentials phase will be a series of diagrams that explain the inputs and outputs of the topic as environmental processes, phenomena, and/or cultural artifacts. The diagrams should illustrate the inputs and outputs as potential manipulators of the aforementioned attributes (environment, phenomena, culture).
Each group should develop a presentation of 10-20 slides in a PDF format. Each slide should be formatted as an A3 (297x420mm) spread, two A4 (210x297mm) pages @200dpi.
Desk Crits August 28th
Site Research Presentations August 30th
The research and potentials should guide the site visit. Each team will explore the site and gather information in an attempt to further refine and develop the research. The site potentials presented before the field trip will be revised based on the findings to refine and solidify an approach to the site.
Revised Presentation Due September 9th @ 1.30pm